世に驚きの種は尽きないものだ 《しばしば皮肉にの英語
- Wonders will never cease.
苦しみの種は尽きない: There is no end to the pain.
人というのは自分が享受できないものをしばしばうらやむものだ。: People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.〔ギリシャの奴隷で寓話作家のAesop(620 BC-560 BC)の名言(The Dog in the Mongerより)〕
ちゃんと目を開けて探しさえすれば冒険の種は尽きない。: There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.〔インドの初代首相でIndira Gandhiの父Jawaharlal Nehru(1889-1964)の名言〕
なかば皮肉に: flippantly / half sarcastically
しばしば: しばしば 屡 屡屡 屡々 often again and again frequently
しばしば 1: 1. as often as not 2. at short intervals 3. every now and again〔この時間感覚は非常に漠然としており使う人によって異なる〕 4. every now and then 5. every so often 6. half the time 7. many a time 8. more often than not 9. not inf
しばしばの: 【形】 frequent〔 【frequent に結び付く名詞(頻度順)】 flyer, guest, heartburn, visitor, trips, target, critic, contributor〕
行く〔~にしばしば〕: 【他動】 haunt
尽きない冗談の種: inexhaustible supply of jokes
話の種が尽きない: have no end of topics to talk about
子どもというのは、しばしば親や先生をまねるものだ: Children often mimic their parents and teachers.
彼はしばしば彼女のもとを訪れるのだが、長居はしない: He visits her frequently, but doesn't stay long.
いしばし: いしばし 石橋 stone bridge
かしばしゃ: かしばしゃ 貸し馬車 carriage for hire
しばしの間: for a brief while